Business Development Plan

The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) is committed to promoting economic and business development in the District of Columbia and the region it serves. DC Water provides water and wastewater treatment services to one of the most diverse cities and regions in the country. In carrying out its mission, DC Water will seek to reflect this diversity in meeting its business needs. As such, DC Water will actively encourage and support the participation of certified local business enterprises (LBEs), local small business enterprises (LSBEs), disadvantaged business enterprises (DBEs), minority business enterprises (MBEs) and women-owned business enterprises (WBEs) in its contracting and procurement activities.

This Business Development Plan (BDP) provides the framework for the design and implementation of programs and activities that will promote and enhance participation of LBEs, LSBEs, DBEs, MBEs and WBEs. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or his/her designee is responsible for implementing and administering programs, procedures and processes, consistent with this BDP, Authority policies and applicable regulations and laws.

To this end, DC Water will employ every reasonable effort to ensure that LBEs, LSBEs, DBEs, and WBEs are afforded full and equitable opportunities to participate as vendors, prime contractors, subcontractors and joint venture partners for goods and services including construction and architectural and engineering (A/E) contracts funded by the District of Columbia and the user jurisdictions.

Pursuant to requirements established as a condition for receipt of federal grants and federal financial assistance, DC Water will also implement a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program to encourage and facilitate participation by MBEs/WBEs in accordance with the Federal Fair Share Objectives. This program will apply to DC Water’s capital A/E and construction projects, where appropriate.

Upcoming Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


Latest Blog Post
A helicopter lowers a drill rig to workers on the Potomac River.
DC Water begins drilling in Potomac River to explore options to rehab underwater sewer line
When one of your major sewer lines runs through the Potomac River, a backhoe and trencher won't do. That's why we've got helicopters carrying a 14-ton drill and workers suspended midair over the Potomac.
Upcoming Meeting
February 20, 2025
Thursday, 2:30 PM

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