Sanitary Sewer Dashboard

This dataset is host to DC Water’s information about Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) for the past five years. The dataset is updated on a monthly basis. The data displayed on the map is broken down by year. Click the points below to display more information about a SSO. The information provided is limited to the best available data in DC Water’s possession at the time the dataset was loaded.

More Information on SSO's

An SSO occurs when diluted untreated wastewater spills or overflows, and can be caused by excessive rainfall. With nearly 1,800 miles of sewer lines throughout its service area, DC Water appreciates notification from the public if a sewer backup is suspected. Please call the 24-hour Emergency Command Center at 202-612-3400 at any time to report water or sewer emergencies in the District of Columbia.

DC Water is committed to protecting the health of the public and the environment. The Clean Rivers Project is a $2.6 billion long-term project to add capacity to the combined sewer system and reduce combined sewer overflows. In addition, the project’s enormous storage tunnels may also alleviate some SSOs. For more information please visit

Data Disclaimer

District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (“D.C. Water”) provides data available on this website as a service to the public. The data provided by D.C. Water is based on historical data, information directly provided by DC Water, information directly provided by DC Water contractors and in some cases, information acquired during physical inspections. DC Water does not guarantee the accuracy of this data and assumes no liability for any errors. The data shall be used for the sole purpose of providing the public with information regarding this program and not for any commercial, legal or other use. D.C. Water assumes no liability for any decisions made or action taken or not taken by anyone using data provided from this website. D.C. Water reserves the right to alter, amend or terminate at any time the display of this data.

Download Data in CSV format here.

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April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


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A helicopter lowers a drill rig to workers on the Potomac River.
DC Water begins drilling in Potomac River to explore options to rehab underwater sewer line
When one of your major sewer lines runs through the Potomac River, a backhoe and trencher won't do. That's why we've got helicopters carrying a 14-ton drill and workers suspended midair over the Potomac.
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Thursday, 2:30 PM

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