DC Water's

All residents, private companies and government agencies must obtain approval from DC Water prior to performing any work that directly or indirectly...

More In Permits

PIMS Coming Soon!

Developers/Homeowners Services

All residents, private companies and government agencies must obtain approval from DC Water prior to performing any work that directly or indirectly affects the public water and/or sewerage systems. The Permit Operations Department is the starting point for all of DC Water's permit services. Permit Operations can provide you with mapping of the existing water and sewer infrastructure and can answer many of your questions. If you have general permitting questions please call 202-646-8600.

We are located at

1385 Canal St SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States

Public Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 
8:30am - 4:00pm 

If your project is more complex, then your plan will need to be reviewed and approved by the Department of Engineering and Technical Services to verify your design is in conformance with DC Water Standards. If you have questions about larger more complex projects please call 202-646-8600.

Upcoming Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

April 24, 2023

Monday 9:00 AM


Ohio Drive SW Closure Traffic Signs
Updated Maps: Ohio Drive, SW, Roadway Closure and Detour

(Washington, DC) – DC Water closed Ohio Drive, SW, between Independence Avenue, SW, and West Basin Drive, SW for approximately six years to complet

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Your Feedback Matters!
2024 Voice of the Customer Survey is open through August 11.
Upcoming Meeting
July 30, 2024
Tuesday, 2:00 PM

Upcoming Events

Jul 27
12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Jul 27