Floodproofing Rebate Program FAQs

Unfortunately, DC Water is not back-dating rebates for this program.

One of the following:

  1. Currently being processed by Engineering
  2. Approved by Engineering, being processed by Customer Service and Accounts Payable
  3. Disapproved by Engineering
  4. Approved by Engineering and processed by Customer Service and Accounts Payable. Your check will be sent out on XX/XX/2016.
  5. Approved by Engineering and processed by Customer Service and Accounts Payable. Your check was mailed on XX/XX/2016.

Your eligibility was based on reported overland flooding at your property or more than one neighboring property.

We cannot release information on the configuration of sewers in public space. Since your water and sewer laterals hook up to your house in private space, we cannot provide you the exact configuration. It is possible that DCRA has that information if the plumber submitted drawings when the laterals were originally connected to your home. Please contact DCRA and ask them if drawings are available.

It is not DC Water’s policy to endorse one contractor over another. I would recommend that you speak with your neighbors, or if you have internet access, to post your question on the Bloomingdale blog (http://bloomingdaleneighborhood.blogspot.com/) to find out what contractors your neighbors have used. Just make sure that the contractor you use is licensed in DC.

Flooding barriers, gates, and sandbags can cost less than $100 to as much as $1,000. According to national averages, regrading a lawn can cost between $100 and $4,000, with the majority of homeowners spending between $1,000 and $1,500. Some estimates for installing ditch or surface swale indicate that it can cost a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars depending on the size or complexity of the project. Rain barrels can cost $80- $100 depending on the size, but we would recommend signing up for the DOEE Rain Barrel program, where you can get a rain barrel for free if you live within Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park ($50 copay for all other DC residents).

Installing a backwater valve to help alleviate sewer backup issues is relatively inexpensive, typically $300 or less. However, it needs to be installed by a licensed plumber and in DC, the installation needs to be permitted by DCRA. Backwater valve installations can cost anywhere from a couple of thousand dollars to several thousand dollars. The installation cost depends on a number of factors, including the configuration of your plumbing, where the backwater valve is installed (under the basement slab versus in your yard), and the depth of the installation.

The Floodproofing Rebate Program helps those in the greater Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park drainage areas protect their homes from overland flooding. The expanded program will reimburse eligible residents up to $3,000 for the purchase and installation of approved floodproofing measures. 

If you are eligible, you should be receiving/should have received a letter in the mail explaining your eligibility status and the details of the program. To receive a rebate, you would first have to set up a homeowner consultation with DC Water’s Community Outreach Manager at 202-787-2003. The homeowner consultation will enable DC Water to assess your property to make recommendations on appropriate floodproofing measures for your property. At the end of the consultation, the engineer will give you a report that identifies flood protection measures that qualify for the rebate.

If any of the floodproofing measures you are interested in installing require a permit, you will need to hire DC licensed contractor to do the installation. Please have the contractor complete the DC Water Itemized Floodproofing Measures Invoice for the work. If a permit is not necessary, you may do the work yourself and complete the Floodproofing Measures Invoice for the work. Work performed by yourself or the contractor is subject to inspection by DC Water. Please also keep in mind that if you do the work yourself, you will only be reimbursed for materials, whereas if you hire a contractor to do the work, you will be reimbursed for their materials and labor.

Once the floodproofing measures are installed, we will need the completed application, signed waiver, DC Water Itemized Floodproofing Measures Invoice (to be filled out by the contractor or yourself, depending on who did the work), and a copy of the DCRA permit under which the installation was completed (if a permit was necessary). You can send your completed application to:


5000 Overlook Ave., SW

Washington, DC 20032

It will take us about 3-4 weeks to process your application. We will contact you if we have any questions.

The District Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) offers a program called the Customer Assistance Program, or CAP. If you are participating in this program, you would be receiving a discount on your water and sewer bill. If you are a member of this program, we can help make installing a backwater valve affordable for you. Are you on the CAP? If you are not sure, we will check with DC Water Customer Service and get back to you.

Yes/No. (If yes) You should be receiving/should have received a letter in the mail explaining your eligibility and how the program works. If you didn’t get a letter and you are eligible, visit www.dcwater.com/bloomingdale and click on “DC Water Floodproofing Information and Rebate Program Application” under the Short-Term Mitigation section for program details and printable application documents.

To view elegible properties click here

If you are in Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park, we will reevaluate your property for rebate eligibility. However, DC Water is unfortunately not offering rebates for properties that are outside of the focus area of this program (Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park).

You need to submit the rebate application, signed waiver, itemized and signed DC Water Floodproofing Measures Invoice, and the original permit under which the floodproofing measures were installed (if a permit was necessary). You can send your completed application to:

5000 Overlook Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20032

No, you can only apply for a rebate once the work has been completed.

Firstly, you must be eligible. Eligibility was determined based on reported flooding at either your property or more than one neighboring property. Additionally, when installing the floodproofing measures, you must use a DC-licensed contractor (if you are using a contractor) and the work must be permitted if a permit is required. Refer to your homeowner consultation form to determine if the work you would like to do requires a permit. Finally, you must submit all of the necessary application documents, which must be filled out in their entirety and signed. You can send your completed application to:

5000 Overlook Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20032

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