Updated Maps: Ohio Drive, SW, Roadway Closure and Detour

July 24, 2024
Ohio Drive SW Closure Traffic Signs

(Washington, DC) – DC Water closed Ohio Drive, SW, between Independence Avenue, SW, and West Basin Drive, SW for approximately six years to complete work related to the Potomac River Tunnel Project. The closure began on June 17, 2024, weather permitting. During this time, eastbound and westbound travel lanes, parking lanes, and the sidewalk through West Potomac Park along Ohio Drive, and between the John Ericsson Memorial and West Basin Drive, will be closed. Detour signs have been posted to safely redirect pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists around the construction zone into West Potomac Park. Please see Map A and B for closure details and detour routes.

The contractor will construct a relocated Ohio Drive, which is expected to open by October 15, 2024, weather permitting. This relocated section of Ohio Drive will intersect Independence Avenue and remain open until the project's completion in 2030. Until the relocated Ohio Drive is completed, motorists and pedestrians will use West Basin Drive to access Independence Avenue from Ohio Drive. To reach Ohio Drive from Independence Avenue, motorists will detour around the Tidal Basin to Maine Avenue, SW, and East Basin Drive, SW.  For further details regarding the temporary roadway, please refer to Map C.

Ohio Drive, SW Closure (Maps A & B)

  • Date: June 17, 2024, through October 15, 2024, weather permitting 
  • Location: Ohio Drive, SW between Independence Ave, SW, and West Basin Drive, SW 
  • Traffic and Pedestrian Detours: 
    • Ohio Drive Closure: Full closure of Ohio Drive between Independence Avenue and West Basin Drive.

Traffic and Pedestrian Detour: Motorists and pedestrians will be directed to use Maine Avenue, East Basin Drive, West Basin Drive, and Independence Avenue. 

Ohio Drive Closure Map 072324

Map A: Traffic (yellow arrows) and Pedestrian (blue arrows) Detour – June 17, 2024 - October 15, 2024  

Ohio Drive Detour_072324

Map B: Ohio Drive Traffic Detour –June 17, 2024 - October 15, 2024 

Relocated Ohio Drive, SW (Map C)

  • Date: October 15, 2024, through Late 2030, weather permitting 
  • Location: Independence Avenue, SW between Ohio Drive, SW and West Basin Drive, SW 
  • Traffic Patterns and Pedestrian Detours: 
    • A new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Independence Ave and the relocated Ohio Drive. The newly constructed roadway will feature vehicle parking and a multi-use path. This setup will stay in place until the project is complete.

Relocated Ohio Drive_072324

Map C: Relocated Ohio Drive Configuration begins October 15, 2024 – Late 2030

Important Information  

  • Commuters and pedestrians will notice road signs and flagging personnel directing them through the temporary closures. 
  • Maintenance of Traffic Plans (MOTs) have been developed and approved by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and National Park Service (NPS) to provide safe conditions for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and workers.
  • Please plan your travel routes accordingly and anticipate potential delays. Traffic control measures will be in place to guide motorists safely through the area.
  • Pedestrian detours will be provided, and signage will be posted to direct pedestrians to safe pathways. Refer to the illustrations above for additional details. 

Project Details

The Potomac River Tunnel is the next major phase of the DC Clean Rivers Project. The project consists of a large-diameter deep sewer tunnel, diversion facilities, drop shafts, and support structures to capture flows from existing combined sewer overflows (CSOs) along the Potomac River and convey them to the Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project is needed to reduce CSOs that contribute to water quality impairment of the Potomac River and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay; and to comply with the 2005 Federal Consent Decree entered by DC Water, the District of Columbia, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the US Department of Justice, as amended in January 2016.

CSOs are released into the Potomac River from CSO Outfalls during rainfalls that exceed the system's capacity. CSOs impair water quality by increasing water bacteria levels, contributing to low dissolved oxygen impacting aquatic life, and increasing the amount of trash in waterways. An estimated 654 million gallons of CSOs currently enter the Potomac River in a year of average rainfall. The proposed controls are estimated to reduce the volume of CSOs to the Potomac River by 93% and reduce their frequency from approximately 74 events to 4 events in a year of average rainfall.

For more information

Project Email: dcpotomacrivertunnel@dcwater.com   
Project Website: www.dcwater.com/prt  
Project Hotline: 202-972-1388    
DC Water 24-hour Emergency: 202-612-340

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