Sewer Rehabilitation Project - Fenwick

Fenwick Photo.JPG


DC Water is performing sewer rehabilitation projects throughout the city as part of its Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The Fenwick Branch Sewer Rehabilitation project would involve the rehabilitation and protection of sanitary sewer (approximately 2,500 linear feet) from the Northernmost corner of the MD/DC border to Redbud Lane.  This project area also includes sewer and Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Outfalls rehabilitation at North Portal Drive and West Beach Drive, NW. Benefits of this project would include the rehabilitation of an aging sanitary sewer system, improved structural integrity while maintaining adequate hydraulic capacity, and the reduction of stream and groundwater infiltration and potential sanitary sewer overflows.

In preparation for this project, thorough evaluations including internal inspections of the pipes and manholes and field investigations were conducted to assess the condition of the sewers and inventory the environmental resources present.   The project is located within the Pinehurst Branch stream valley within the National Park Service (NPS) property.  Because the project will cause impact on NPS land, DC Water in also coordinating with NPS as the lead federal agency on the preparation of a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document during preliminary design studies. Other agencies may also participate.    

Proposed scope of work

  • Rehabilitation and protection of approximately 2,500 linear feet of sanitary sewer pipe within the project area
  • Rehabilitation of manholes
  • Rehabilitation of three Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) outlets


  • Field Investigation: Completed
  • Resource Investigation: ongoing
  • Public Review of NEPA Document: To be determine
  • Design and Permitting: To be determined
  • Construction start est: November 2024
  • Construction finish est: November 2025

Important Information

Design options are currently being defined, evaluated for avoidance and minimization of environmental impacts, and will be made available during a future 30-day public review period for the NEPA document.  Comments during the public review period are encouraged.  A confirmed schedule for this review period will be provided in future at  Additional public meetings will be held if requested, and a public hearing may be held if environmental consequences are determined to be controversial.   

Project Location

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Ohio Drive SW Closure Traffic Signs
Updated Maps: Ohio Drive, SW, Roadway Closure and Detour

(Washington, DC) – DC Water closed Ohio Drive, SW, between Independence Avenue, SW, and West Basin Drive, SW for approximately six years to complet

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